The First Time
Buddy & Max 10 – In the city
Everything must have had a, first time
Must learn to walk before you, can climb
To do, something new
Should not, bother you
Just because it is your, first time.
Buddy & Max went to the church picnic, with the man
It was in the city and it was hard to, understand
How a park, in the city
Could ever, be as pretty
As it was in the woods, on open land
Buddy & Max had been to town but never, the city
As they drove there it did not look, so pretty
They were ready, to go back home
Nowhere here they, wanted to roam
Buddy & Max thought everything looked, so dirty
There was an unfamiliar smell, in the air
A very strange odor from, somewhere
It was not fresh air through, the trees
That smell that comes with, a breeze
But the people they passed seem, not to care
Buddy & Max could see, trees ahead
“There is the park boys,” the man said
Buddy & Max were, looking
At all the people, cooking
Boy those people put out, a nice spread
As far as Buddy & Max, could tell
Using their best sense, of smell
There was good, eating
Ready for, treating
They were ready to stay here for, a spell
All of a sudden they heard the roar, of a lion
It was so loud Buddy & Max, started crying
Then they saw cages, with critters
That gave them, both jitters
Buddy & Max felt like they, were dying
Then the man said welcome to, the zoo
I’m sorry that they startled, you two
These animals you must, stay away from
The Zoo is where they live, it is their home
If you don’t be careful they may, eat you
Now just what kind of animals, are these
Buddy & Max wondered if, you please
They never before had, to fear
Of an animal getting, too near
Like as if they had some kind of, disease
Buddy & Max had forgotten about, the smell of food
They wanted to go home didn’t care, if it was rude
To leave as soon as, they got here
Because the animals gave, them a scare
By a lion they did not want, to be pursued
Then something got their, attention
It was their smell, detection
BB-Q was in, the air
Around here, somewhere
Buddy & Max and the man headed that, direction
Buddy & Max saw big long tables, of food
That really changed, their mood
They were hungry, again
They needed a, friend
To give them a treat they, conclude
Buddy & Max and the man, sat down
Next to each other on, the ground
They had something, to eat
They thought it was, real neat
To have a picnic in the city, downtown
Buddy & Max remembered the animals, in the cage
They must have been hungry they could hear, their rage
The lion was roaring for his dinner
He was not getting any thinner
With the lion Buddy & Max did not want, to engage
Buddy & Max were ready when the man said, “Let’s go home”
This day was very different but they were glad, they had come
Buddy & Max learned that, they had it made
Living with the man they were, never afraid
All three of them went back where they, had come from
Going to the city for, the first time
Even though they had to, stand in line
They went home with, full tummies
The man and the, two puppies
Are the main characters, in this rhyme