The First Time


Buddy & Max 7 – Going to school

Everything must have had a, first time

Must learn to walk before you, can climb

            To do, something new

            Should not, bother you

Just because it is your, first time.


Buddy & Max had a surprise, one day

The man had something special, to say

            They would be attending, obedience school

            They would be learning the, dog’s golden rule

They would be starting the very, next day


Now just what is this, golden rule

That Buddy & Max would, learn at school

            Just what does, it say

            For puppies, today

Buddy & Max did not want to, be a fool


On their way riding, in the car

Max wondered, just how far

            They would travel, from home

            Would he be left, alone

Max chose to just stay, in the car


But when they, arrived

The school was, alive

            With other dogs, playing

            Max felt like, staying

School was buzzing like a, beehive


Buddy & Max saw, an old friend

Lori’s owner made, her attend

            Together they would learn, the golden rule

            They played together, at the school

Until they went home at, the day’s end


The first day at school went by, so fast

Buddy & Max were very happy, at last

            They were glad they went, today

            They were ready to go, another day

There was no test they could, not pass


Buddy & Max had remembered in, their lesson

They learned a lot in this, first session

            How to sit stay, and come

            When to walk when, to run

Obedience school gave them a good, impression


They learned right away the, golden rule

Learning that was easy, at this school

            Each time you did, something neat

            Each time you would, get a treat

Buddy & Max loved treats they, were no fool


Buddy & Max learned to do, what your told

That’s the rule made, out of gold

            Doing the, right thing

            Instead of, fighting

You will never be left out, in the cold


Now Lori had stayed, real quiet

She did want to start, a riot

            By telling the boys, that they should

            Be able to tell bad, from the good

And don’t make treats a, steady diet


Lori said don’t always expect a, reward

Sometimes it is best, ignored

            To do good, is the text

            Always, do your best

And set some new kind of, record


Buddy & Max and Lori had, learned in school

Now they knew all about the, golden rule

            Do as you are told the, first time

            If you don’t listen you will, waste time

Follow directions and don’t, be a fool


What Lori had shared with, Max & Buddy

Was not meant to make, them feel cruddy

            What she tried to, explain

            To them again and, again

Doing what you are told don’t, seem so nutty


Once again there must be, a moral here

Something good to, know very clear

            If puppies can, figure this out

            What Lori was, talking about

Lori was just, being sincere


So now we have three little, puppies

They are becoming the best of, buddies

            They made new, friends

            Friendship never, ends

Obedience school made them no, dummies