The First Time
Buddy & Max 8 – On a farm
Everything must have had a, first time
Must learn to walk before you, can climb
To do, something new
Should not, bother you
Just because it is your, first time.
Max loved to hear “Ya want to go, for a ride?”
Immediately he ran to, the man’s side
He liked to ride, in the car
Did not have to go, very far
Max would sit next to the man, full of pride
Max likes going down the driveway to get, the mail
Any ride in the car never got, too stale
To Max he was, moving
And everything, grooving
With his head out the window wagging, his tail
But Buddy did not think car rides were, so exciting
The whole experience was kind of, frightening
Buddy would pant, and drool
Buddy felt like a, big fool
“Go for a ride” to Buddy was not very, delighting
One day the man visited, a farm
There should not be, any harm
For his dogs to, ride along
It would not, be so wrong
To spend time with new animals, unharmed
So off to the farm went, Buddy & Max
Max was ready Buddy almost had, a heart attack
What new animals, could they meet
They would do anything, for a treat
Buddy & Max both, love to eat snacks
So the man had to bribe Buddy, with a goodie
To get him into the car he used, a dog cookie
Buddy was only interested, in eating
He could not tell that he, was leaving
Buddy was not sure of where, he could be
When the man pulled into, the barnyard
Buddy & Max were, on their guard
There were all sorts, of new smells
They were hard to recognize, hard to tell
Identifying the new scents, was real hard
As soon as they both, left the car
They did not have to walk, very far
Before they saw ducks, and chickens
And they scared, the dickens
Out of them and they ran back, to the car
Then Buddy & Max were approached by, the farm cat
He was friendly they did not know what to, think of that
But all the animals, on this farm
Had their own, friendly charm
Buddy & Max did not know what to, think of that
Buddy & Max met all kinds of, new critters
But the bull in the pen gave, them jitters
They kept their distance, from him
They were glad he was in the, bull pen
They stayed with the smaller new, critters
Then they saw the most unusual, being
They were not sure what they were, seeing
It was unusually, big
The farm cat called it a pig
It was a very unusual, meeting
Buddy & Max made new friends, once again
Having fun they wanted the day to, never end
But when the man said, “Go for a ride
Buddy and Max, were at his side
In the car ready to go home, once again
What had Buddy & Max, just learned
They had fun on the farm they would, return
To see their friends, again
The farm cat ducks and, the hen
But with the bull they still had a big, concern
Buddy & Max saw life in, the country
Could be what you want, it to be
They were free, to roam
They did not, miss home
With other animals, they ran free
Buddy & Max went to a farm for, the first time
Everybody they met, was so kind
The chickens and, the duck
Had brought them, good luck
When Buddy & Max visited a farm for, the first time