The Adventures of
Buddy & Max 1 – Being Alone
A man living alone, rescued a puppy
From a shelter that was, not very lovely
In his new home, he could relax
And the man, named him Max
The man and the puppy, felt so lucky
Max was a different breed, a kind of special mix
1/3 basket hound, 1/3 bugle and, 1/3 rat-terrorist
His legs were low, to the ground
But he had no trouble, getting around
The kind of puppy, you could hardly resist
The puppy was fine with the man, all the time
But sometimes he would be gone in, the daytime.
The puppy would howl, and not stop crying
Like someone was beating him, or he was dying.
Until the man came home, in the nighttime.
The man looked deep into the, puppy’s eyes
And what he saw to him was, no surprise
He saw the fear of, being alone
Even if you are in, your own home
It is much greater than, most realize.
That night at bedtime they slept, really close
The puppy and the man were, nose to nose
When one moved, the other knew
Together they were, all night through
Until in the morning when, they arose
The man started the new day with, a promise
He said being alone would, confound us
But it is very clear, to me
That two could, be three
We could use another dog, around us
A big dog big bark, big bite
Will discourage prowlers, at night
Or when you are not, at home
Or at home all, alone
A big barking dog is a, scary sight
So the man rescued a Bullmastiff, puppy
He thought a small lap dog if he was, lucky
That grew up to weigh more, than the man
Played with Max as gently, as a lamb
And the man named the new puppy, Buddy
Buddy & Max were never, apart
Always together right from, the start
They were never alone with the other, one there
Even when the man went, somewhere
Buddy & Max had love in, their heart
Buddy & Max and the man loved, each other
Buddy & Max were each other’s, brother
Buddy & Max, were never alone
Buddy & Max loved, their new home
Buddy & Max were glad they had, each other
Then one day not on time the man did, not arrive
Buddy & Max wondered now if he was, still alive
They cuddled together, as puppies do
What to do next, they had no clue
Then that day but not on time the man, did arrive
Love is patiently waiting for great, expectations
Love has humble beginnings on, firm foundations
Love comes from, God to us
Love is based on, complete trust
His love must spread through all, generations
The man came home and held his, puppies close
They hugged and licked and kissed, nose-to-nose
It was hard to tell, each one apart
They all had so much, love in their heart
True love and affection between friends, always shows
The man told the puppies, “We are family
Together we are, the best we can be
Through all kinds, of weather
We will always, be together
The man said, this to both puppies
It would be nice if there were a moral, to this story
Something to make everything, hunky-dory
The lesson, for today
You’re never too, far away
To add someone new to your, family story
So when you find yourself, all alone
It may even be when you, are at home
Try to remember, all the best
About your family and, all the rest
You can feel at home wherever, you roam