The Pillars of Truth
Creation & Sin
Ding dong the bells, will ring
Remind us it’s time, to sing
It is, Sunday school
Don’t you, be uncool
Come celebrate, our King
Buddy & Max love to go for a ride with, the man
They would jump in the car whenever, they can
It did not matter where, they went
They always gave their, consent
To stay at the man’s side was, their plan
The man was a Sunday School, Teacher
He could have been a Bible, Preacher
But he had a special love, for kids
It showed in all, he did’s
God gave him this special, feature
Buddy & Max were at the man’s feet when, he taught the lesson
They heard everything the man said, during the session
He always started each time, with a prayer
Before the message he, began to share
Speaking to God, was his profession
Genesis 1-2
Buddy & Max wondered what today’s lesson, was about
The man told good stories there, was no doubt
Today he talked about, the creation
And forming of the, Israelite Nation
Studying the Bible the man was, very devout
Someone had asked a question where did, we begin
The man read from Genesis and, filled them in
God created heaven, and earth
He created us with, our birth
Man and Woman he, created them
Buddy & Max were pleased, to know
That they were created, also
God used his, loving hand
To create life, across the land
This all happened long long, ago
Genesis 3
Then the man, talked about sin
And the trouble, we are all in
God told Adam, and Eve
Not to eat of, the tree
That’s where all the world’s, troubles begin
Buddy & Max never did, like snakes
They’re kind of creepy give them, the shakes
This snake was a, different kind
He always has, something in mind
To destroy mankind no matter what, it takes
Then someone else asked the man, what happen to them
The man told the children, they died from their sin
That sin was passed on to, the generations
From them to us in, all other nations
We were born into and all, are guilty of sin
The man said God was the source, of all love
He said today God is in, heaven above
He is preparing a mansion with, many rooms
And each one of us will, have bedrooms
That’s His way of showing, fatherly love
Buddy & Max wondered where the, animals fit in
With this crazy world, that is full of sin
They knew they were, God’s creation
They both had, the sensation
No matter what God, will take care of them
Buddy & Max had just, learned about men
That God is willing to, forgive their sin
Through prayer there, was a way
Of washing the man’s, sins away
God always, would forgive them
Buddy & Max had, also learned
There was no reason to, be concerned
The Lord God that, created them
And dogs were, man’s best friend
A friendship they, had both earned
Buddy & Max were ready to, go have a fun day
But they both would be ready to, come back next Sunday
They wanted to hear, more stories
From the Bible about, God’s glories
And they hoped they could, be with him someday