The Pillars of Truth

Daniel & Jonah

Ding dong the bells, will ring

Remind us it’s time, to sing

          It is, Sunday school

          Don’t you, be uncool

Come celebrate, our King


Next Sunday the man opened, the picture book

Buddy & Max were eager, to take a look

          They wondered what Bible story the, man would tell

          What lesson might they, learn as well

All the student’s eyes were on, the picture book


Daniel 1-6

Daniel trusted in God even during his, darkest hour

He knew that God would take care of him, with his power

          He had to take a, stand for God

          King Darious thought, this was odd

And evil men’s view of Daniel, began to sour


These men plotted to, find a way

In their Babylon Daniel, could not stay

          So they tricked the king, into thinking

          And they condemned Daniel, by linking

His Praying to God was not, allowed that day


They had taken the King, for a fool

They made him set, a new rule

          Anyone who did not, bow to him

          To the lion’s den they, put you in

They told Darious that Daniel, was uncool


Daniel was a wise and courageous, young man

He lived to serve God and he, took a stand

          When all of Babylon was, on their knees

          They wanted the King, to be pleased

The King’s threat of death was easy to, understand


But Daniel believed in, God’s holy power

He prayed to him at a, regular hour

          The King allowed only, prayers to him

          Disobey and to jail they, put you in

Daniel now made the King’s, attitude sour


King Darius left Daniel in the lions, den overnight

In the morning he expected to find a, horrible sight

          Darius was amazed when Daniel, was alive

          All night in the lion’s den he, had survived

The King knew that serving Daniel’s, God was right


 Jonah 1:17

The man turned the page to another, Bible Story

More lessons about God, and his glory

          A tale of Jonah, and a fish

          And Jonah did not, get his wish

Because God was taking, inventory


God sent Jonah on a mission, to Nineveh

Jonah did not listen his interest, was minimal

          God wanted him to, warn the people

          That God would judge, all the evil

 So Jonah escaped on a ship which, was sin-full


God sends a storm to punish Jonah for his, disobedience,

The men on the ship’s response was, immediate

          Jonah was thrown, overboard

          By the men left, on board

God had punished Jonah for being, disobedient


Then things for Jonah got a, whole lot worse

God was about to punish Jonah with an, awful curse

          God made a big fish, swallow him

          Three days and nights he stayed, inside him

Jonah’s attitude toward God, had been perverse


During his time in the whale, Jonah reflects

On his actions and asks God, for forgiveness

          This Hebrew prophet who, disobeyed God

          Is released from the fish, and saved by God

Then Jonah went to Nineveh to be, God’s witness


The man told the class when, we disobey

God will forgive us in, his special way

          We have to come, to him

          And confess all, our sin

And God will wash the memory, of it away


Our God is a God of, second chances

He understands all, circumstances

          If we are faithful and confess, our sin

          God will give us another chance, again

We can avoid Jonah-like, uncertain chances


Buddy & Max understood this, Bible story

How Jonah was blessed by, God’s glory

          Jonah was saved, from the fish

          And he went on to, do God’s wish

Jonah took stock in his life’s, inventory