The Pillars of Faith

Love & Faith

Ding dong the bells, will ring

Remind us it’s time, to sing

          It is, Sunday school

          Don’t you, be uncool

Come celebrate, our King


When spring had sprung, and fall had fell

The winter winds were, blowing as well

            The man opened a, new picture book

            It was about the, New Testament

Stories about Jesus the, Lord it would tell


Matthew 1:18-25

Buddy & Max listen to, Matthew’s story

About the virgin birth of Christ, in his glory

            God led Joseph and Mary, to the Inn

            Only room there was at the, stable therein

God became man to fulfill the, Christmas story


During Christmas, season

Jesus was the, reason

            To celebrate, his birth

            And live here, on earth

To God this was very, pleasing


Mark 12:30-31

Jesus taught us to love God with, all our heart

With your soul and mind was the, place to start

            Then love your neighbor, as yourself

            Put the needs of others, above thyself

What Jesus taught us was, very smart


Jesus was born died on the cross and, he is risen

He is building a mansion for us, now in heaven

            Out of the clouds, someday

            He will take us, away

To live with Him and our sins will, be forgiven


Buddy & Max listen to the story, about Jesus

And how God loves us, and he sees us

            As his children he, is our father

            If he didn’t he, wouldn’t bother

To do anything that would, please us


In the book of John, the man read

Very important what the, Bible said

            God so loved the world, we are in

            He sent his son to die, for our sin

His gospel should be our, daily bread


When the page in the picture book, was turned

Buddy & Max had something new, to learn

            Jesus said have, faith in him

            This is the place, to begin

Trusting in Jesus you will not, get burned

Matthew 17:20

Jesus talked about faith as big as a, muster seed

Can be more powerful than can, be believed

            Faith that Jesus will, take care of you

            Faith in Jesus will, carry you through

Any problem or difficulty you, may perceive


The man shared a story that was, pretty neat

He told how all our problems, could be beat

            If we leave them at the, feet of Jesus

            He will always try, to please us

By making our lives with, him complete


During Christmas, season

Jesus is the reason

            To celebrate, his birth

            And live here, on earth

To God this was very, pleasing


The foremost value of being a Christian, is love

This is the word of God from heaven, above

            Putting the needs, of others

            Above yourself as, your brothers

Is the greatest story you’ll ever, hear of


Buddy & Max enjoyed overhearing the, lesson

These Bible stories were an interesting, session

            Buddy and Max had, a good seat

            Setting next to, the man’s feet

Learning about Jesus left them a good, impression


On the way home the man shared, something with them

He wanted to tell them something but knew not, how to begin

            Buddy & Max were his only, family

            He hugged them and said, calmly

That he loved them both, as his best friend


Love and Faith are the pillars, foundation

It was the foundation of, this nation

            Our forefathers to the Lord, they did pray

            They followed his guidance, every day

We all deserve to have a great, celebration