The Pillars of Truth


Noah & Abraham

Ding dong the bells, will ring

Remind us it’s time, to sing

            It is, Sunday school

            Don’t you, be uncool

Come celebrate, our King

Genesis 6-9

The next Sunday School lesson was, about the same

Stories from the Bible but people with a, different name

            The man first talked about, a man named Noah

            He had something very special, he wanted to show a

New colorful picture book that, would explain


Buddy & Max were again, at the man’s feet

You could say they had, a front-row seat

            They heard the message about, a great flood

            And so many people died, in the mud

That story did, not sound so sweet


The man explained the Ark, to the children

He said God told Noah, to build one

            God gave Noah the, directions

            Noah listened to God’s, instructions

And he built the Ark for his wife, and their children


Then God said this to, Noah

Listen there is something I want to, show ya

            You see all those animals, in line

            They are waiting for you, this time

They want to go in the Ark ,with ya


The book explained an Ark was, like a boat

It was as big as a barn but, it could float

            Big enough to hold, all the animals

            But none of man’s, sinful radicals

The Arc kept the animals and, Noah afloat


God told Noah that He would judge the world, for its sin

That he would cause a great flood that would drown, all of them

            But God would spare Noah and, two of each kind

            So God brought the animals to the, Ark just in time

God locked all safe inside the Ark  before, the rain begin


The story had Buddy & Max’s, attention

It was not beyond their, comprehension

            To see the danger of, drowning

            Really got their hearts, pounding

This Arc must be some new kind of, invention


The Sin of man had grown and spread, over all the earth

It was so bad God needed to give, the earth a rebirth

            God made it rain for 40 days, and nights

            Washing away man’s footprint all, the heights

 Nothing was left of man, that had any worth


As the pages turned Buddy & Max,  learned a lesson

This Sunday School class, was a good session

            God has the right to, deal with sin

            God always knows where, we have been

Never drown the earth again was, God’s confession


Genesis 22:1-19

The page turned to the story of Abraham, and Sarah

God told Sarah you are about, to bear a

           Child even though she, was too old

           Sarah thought God was, pretty bold

She thought how could God make such, an error


Buddy & Max heard the story about, Abraham

About him sacrificing the son of, Abraham

            God stopped his hand, with the knife

            From ending, his son’s life

Today we all are the sons of, Abraham


God asked Abraham to sacrifice, his son Isaac

The thought of killing made, Buddy & Max sick

            When God knew he, could trust Abraham

            He stopped the killing and, provided a lamb

Then God blessed Abraham and, his son Isaac


God told Abraham he would be the father of, a great Nation

One from his family will cause a, great sensation

            This man will be the, Word of God

            Living as a man, but still God

In the flesh here on earth, for salvation


Pillars of truth and faith are the stories, in the Bible

They tell of people who trusted God for, their survival

            There is so much to, learn from them

            From reading, God’s word and then

Not trusting in the Lord is, suicidal


Buddy & Max listen to these, Bible stories

They seemed to calm them, of their worries

            They knew that God was, in control

            Only He can, save your soul

Praise the Lord and give God, all the glories