Please allow me to introduce you to:
“For Generations to come” is a historically accurate novel based on the Knauss family tree starting in 1546 Hessen, Germany, spanning almost 500 years to the present day in the United States of America. “For Generations to come” covers ten generations of the Knauss family, trusting the Lord to direct their path and keep them and their family safe. Fleeing from religious persecution and warring enemies, they left Germania and sailed to the New World. This text was written for school children, grades 8 through 12, but all ages have quickly enjoyed it.
The 137,000-word novel is written like a Hitchcock film or an old 1930s murder mystery…you think you know “who did it” until you read the cliffhanger endings throughout the book. The storyline is like a Tom Sawyer/Nancy Drew book. It has action and tall tales for the boys and, at the same time, romance and mystery for the girl readers.
Copyright Registration Number TX 8-674-138
There are 15 books in the collection “For Generations to come.” They are the 14 picture books in the series and a Classroom Copy (all 14 books, black & white, 10-point font) to keep the cost of print low and affordable to students. The single picture books use public domain files, and each book has the resources and the internet link to each graphic in the order of appearance in the back of the book. The Classroom Copy has a web page address for the resources. All 15 books are available in a self-standing display ready for the school libraries.
The first three books reveal emigrants’ path from Europe to the New World to become Americans. Books four through eleven focus on families during and after the American Civil War. The ending and the author’s life story are in books twelve through fourteen. They tell about the author’s time in the music business.
This American story also tells a parallel Native American story. Early European settlers were driven out of their native homeland by invaders from other countries. Then they did the same thing to the Native Americans who thought the settlers were invaders and squatters in their homeland.
You can see the Knauss family tree at:
This story was written long ago by the people that lived it; I am just the storyteller.
For Generations to come – Audio Book
“For Generations to come” took seven years to write, and now that it is completed, the Audiobooks are being recorded. Test mixdowns of the Audiobook are available for your listening pleasure at this link:
Book 7, The battle of Gettysburg, is now available to hear at:
Do yourself a favor and listen to book 7. It is not just someone reading. It is like a movie soundtrack. Steve Goff, WGLM 106.3 in Greenville, Michigan, is reading the narrator parts in books 1,2 and 3. DJ Perry, CEO of Collective Development Inc, Lansing, Michigan, is the narrator in books 4 thru 11. And the author is the narrator in books 12 thru 14. Check it out.
Most important of all is the mission statement of this entire project:
1…To encourage young people to seek out the Lord Jesus.
2…Then have a personal relationship with Him.
3…Tell a good story about history to get readers interested in their own history, and then all history will become their history.
May the Lord bless you for your time looking at and listening to my work.
Ronnie Lee Knauss
Rocky Lake Recording Studio 231-354-6308 Additional contact phone 616-302-1823