Note: The audio recording from which this transcript was based is of very poor quality.
Archibald A. Hill: Where’d you get ice from back then?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Where we get ice? [Where we (?)] get ice? We used to freeze [it (?)] one time here. Ice freeze ??? icehouse. ??? You go to the icehouse it was full, full of ice. ??? [Great big chunks (?)]. Haul ice. Ice formed. Haul out. Put it in ??? icehouse ??? . ??? [He left the (?)] icehouse. He ??? . It ain’t hard like it used to be in times back.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? [repeats question twice, briefly interrupted by Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson]
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yeah, ??? but they put it in the icehouse. Got to put it in the icehouse. And when you put the ice in the icehouse you put in, in ??? straw and everything on it. Straw. Straw will keep ice. Had an icehouse dug deep. And put the ice down in there and put, and put, and put straw over it and, and the straw’s going to keep it clean. Sawdust will keep ice [too (?)].
Archibald A. Hill: Did you have a sawmill here?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. We have saw, we have sawmills here.
Archibald A. Hill: I wondered where they got [sawdust (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: [We must have had (?)] sawmills. Sawmills go till now. Yes, we had sawmills. ??? cold weather ??? the winter.
Archibald A. Hill: Did you have to work [outside (?)] cold weather or not?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. ??? w-working and ??? and your stuff you done done raised. ??? So much stuff you raised in the summer and have for the winter.
Guy S. Lowman: Did they look after you well back in those days?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. ??? [First thing they have a girl to look after the people (?)]. Some would look after them and some wouldn’t. ??? some of them suffered mighty bad. Some, some would look after them and some wouldn’t.
Archibald A. Hill: How did you and your mother get along?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Oh, we got along, got along alright because we ??? [so much, so much (?)] raised to be good gals. Yes, Sir. ??? On down here to ??? on down on [Linden (?)]. On down on ??? another.
Archibald A. Hill: Was your mother born down here too? Where was your mother born?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Born at [Linden (?)].
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Down here at ??? Down at ??? place. That’s why I was born on [Linden (?)]. On old ??? place. [Linden. Linden (?)].
Archibald A. Hill: Your mother born here too? Where do [Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson interrupts Mr. Hill]
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Ah I, I think my mother was born down there.
Archibald A. Hill: Or did your mother come from way off somewhere when she knows that she didn’t come ??? ?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No. That she didn’t come from way off. Providence Hall. Providence Hall, Virginia.
Archibald A. Hill: You don’t know where her father and mother came from ??? ?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes um, yes um ??? I know where my, ??? mother’s father came, came from. My mother’s father. I think my mother’s father was. Was, ??? was, was I think she, my mother’s father came from Virginia, Charles County. I think it was Providence Hall, Virginia.
Archibald A. Hill: Lonk who?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Old ??? the one that owns so much down ???
Archibald A. Hill: What was his name?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Oh, we used to name ??? ‘Oh Lord,’ [we (?)] used to call him.
Archibald A. Hill: That was your grandfather?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No. I ain’t ??? talking about him. I’m talking about my mother’s [master (?)], my mother’s. My mother’s ??? [master (?)] ??? .
Archibald A. Hill: And what about your mother’s father? Your mother’s daddy? You know where he ??? ?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? I believe I try, let me see. I think he was ??? Providence Hall, Virginia. His name is ??? His name is Charles Travis.
Archibald A. Hill: His name is Charles Travis?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Travis. Yes, Sir. I think he was born Providence Hall, Virginia too.
Archibald A. Hill: You think he was born there?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. He was born in [Virginia (?)]. ???
Archibald A. Hill: [Can you understand me (?)]? Your mother’s mother, what about that?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yeah, she ??? Providence Hall, Virginia too.
Archibald A. Hill: What was her name?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: My mother?
Archibald A. Hill: Your mother’s mother. Her mother.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: My mother’s name is Mariah Travis.
Archibald A. Hill: What was her mother’s name?
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: You say your own mother was named Mariah Travis?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No. My mother’s name was Mariah Travis.
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: I see. I see. [Okay, fine (?)]. What was your own mother’s name?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: My mother’s name?
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: Yes.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson:My mother’s name ??? name. She married a man that belonged to another man, and she named Pat, ah, ah, Pat, ah, Gray. Pat Gray.
[indistinct conversation]
Archibald A. Hill: [I don’t know, that’s what makes life happen (?)].
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? long time cause ??? [touch no one’s spirit (?).] Certainly know what’s ??? some got some and some got some, and some got some and getting all, ??? and some get none. And, and them was [that are getting all they holding (?)] back from you. ??? till you get it. ???
Archibald A. Hill: I don’t know, [you (?)] can get it in the next world.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? [with the (?)] hard times.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? [better relations (?)].
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? [throughout (?)] the world to me. I reckon ??? . Some, some in the world now getting more than they come out of. Some getting all and some getting none.
Archibald A. Hill: Seems like things are getting a little better around my way [at Castle Mont (?)] ??? what [about (?)] with you?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: I don’t know. I don’t know. ??? Seem like every time I look there’s one thing. ??? Savior comes. When he comes ??? Better not the things go [against (?)] he says. Do as he say do. Lord comes, see everything grind up. Better to get your soul right.
Archibald A. Hill: You were talking about the things you used to grow on that farm. Did they have pigs?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Have what?
Archibald A. Hill: Did they have pigs?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Pigs?
Archibald A. Hill: Yeah.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yeah. My lord. They had pigs. Pigs and sows and things.
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: What did you say they had?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: You said, “Did they have pigs?” Yeah, certainly we used to have pigs. How we going to have hogs if we didn’t have pigs? [laughter from all]
Archibald A. Hill: Well, when were they butchered? What time of year?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: What time of year? ??? towards Christmas ??? near Christmas ???
Archibald A. Hill: What [did you do (?)] with them after you killed them?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? [not much to (?)] do with them. Put in the meat house.
Archibald A. Hill: Ahha?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Put the meat away. Salt the meat up and put away.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? what?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: In the meat house. Salt it up.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? salt.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. Salty meat. Salty meat. Got to have a meat house to put their meat in.
Archibald A. Hill: Did they have a smoke room?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: And them didn’t have a meat house they have a ??? everybody [come over (?)] ??? everybody didn’t ??? everybody ??? the cow ??? But everybody ??? they put the cow ???
Archibald A. Hill: You have a smoke room?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes, smoke ???
Archibald A. Hill: What kind of wood ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes.
Archibald A. Hill: What kind of wood ??? they smoke ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Pine wood ??? smoke meat.
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: What would they make out of the [head and feet and (?)]??? ?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? souse.
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: Make what?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? souse. Souse. Souse ???
Archibald A. Hill: Ever have to travel down there?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. ???
Archibald A. Hill: [Why’d you have to travel there (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ???
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huh?
Archibald A. Hill and Unidentified Woman Interviewer: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? cows ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Cows?
Archibald A. Hill: Yeah.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? I had to put salt on it. Put the meat out. ??? [season (?)] salt it out. ???
Archibald A. Hill: ??? not down here, so it ??? that way or do you have to do it???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? salt ??? [hamburger (?)] keep meat. Ain’t got to, we ain’t killing meat ???
Archibald A. Hill: ??? they didn’t have cantaloupes. ??? Is that right?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. To my knowledge always did have cantaloupes.
Archibald A. Hill: [They always(?)] ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes.
Archibald A. Hill: Ever grow any cotton around here?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: huh?
Archibald A. Hill: Any cotton?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yeah. Some people had cotton. Down South [they had (?)] cotton. Didn’t have cotton fields, [big fields of cotton like they did down South (?)]. They had fields of cotton ??? . They used to have ??? cotton right here. You pick it. Cause you see it grows in a bud, you see. Cotton bud. And then that cotton and then it get, had a seed in it, and it got ripe, you know, and then you, you’d, you’d took it out of them buds. You took it out.
Archibald A. Hill: Did you do that?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: I used to do some of it, [not (?)] much.
Archibald A. Hill: [Right hard (?)] work isn’t it?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No. It’s [not so (?)] hard.
Archibald A. Hill: So, what did you do with the cotton? Did you just spin it here on the place for your own use?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Sometimes you spin it here. And sometimes, see, yes sir, sometimes you spin it here. And sometimes you wouldn’t. Yes, we spin it here. Spin it here. [Spin that (?)] cotton we had spinning wheels. Spin that cotton here. Pick it. Pick the seed out, you see. Pick the seed out that cotton. Yeah, we pick the seed out you see. And, and, and pick it, you know, and, and have spinning wheels spin it. That cotton, yeah, sure, just before the war
Archibald A. Hill: Yeah.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Before the war. Before the war. The way they used to do before the war. Spin that cotton, you know, had [cars (?)].�[Cars (?)] you know you and [cart it (?)] make loads out and then spin, spin, spinning wheels. ???
Archibald A. Hill: Did you ever have a gin here?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yeh, yeh, yes sir.
Archibald A. Hill: Did you have a gin?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huh?
Archibald A. Hill: Did you have a gin? ??? . [All the time (?)].
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: [What do you mean spinning (?)] ??? ? You have a spinning wheel, you know.
Archibald A. Hill: Yeah.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: You have a spinning wheel, you see [when (?)], [when (?)]� you� spin, ???� use that cotton. And have a spinning wheel and, and spin that cotton. You have these wheels you know why you spin the cotton. Spin it. ??? .� We do so to the wool. ??? Sheep woo, wool. [Spin rows (?)] ??? Yes sir.
Archibald A. Hill: And did you weave it here?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Weave it? Yeah.
Archibald A. Hill: Did you weave it here?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yeah. Some, sometimes we weave it. ??? Since the war broke. Just before the war broke we used to weave cotton. Weavers used to weave. Used to weave cotton and everything like that.
Archibald A. Hill: Do you remember the war?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes, my lord, do I remember. I most certainly remember. I remember two wars.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? which war was [worse (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Which war the worst?
Archibald A. Hill: Which war was worst?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: You say which was the worst? Which war what you–
Archibald A. Hill: Which war do you remember?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: I remember both of them. I remember the Civil, ah, the southern kind of war, the first war. I remember that and then I remember this other one done come and gone.
Archibald A. Hill: Yeah. I can only remember one.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Archibald A. Hill: I can only remember one.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: I remember both.
Archibald A. Hill: Well, which do you think was worse, the hard times after this war or hard times after the first war?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Hard times [then (?)] start from the first war. Hard times start from the great first war. Kept on growing till it got worse. Hard times started with the first war. Of course [it wasn’t like it is now (?)].
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: [presents an indistinct question that seems to have been cut off by one of the men]
Archibald A. Hill: Have you been hard hit lately?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: [Yes, sir. Now’s hard (?)] ??? he’ll never know it.
Archibald A. Hill: What’s been the trouble?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Sir?
Archibald A. Hill: [What makes it so hard here (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Well, of course you ??? so much people. It’s so much people in the world. ??? one another and doing every kind of thing. More people, more people in the world the worse it got.
Archibald A. Hill: Yeah.
[Guy S. Lowman: I’m sorry (?)].
Archibald A. Hill: Well, there seems like there ought to be enough food [co-operatives (?)] if everybody works.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Two be a ??? for that. But you see some have, some have, some have, ah, some have, ah have none and some have all. That’s what does it. Some getting all.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? Fry the meat and then cook the meat, and skin the meat and that’s the way they bake it. And then have them ??? in the kitchen and then turn them things and they can cook the meat, and ba, bake it you know. Because you can’t [eat if you don’t fry it (?)]. Fry it in a pot and then ??? in the pots, you know ??? and fry it; used to have, you seen these big pots ??? pots, iron pots,iron pots? You never seen them [things (?)]?
Archibald A. Hill: [No (?)].
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: You see. Fry the meat in an iron pot and then stick the meat out of there and stick down it in a skillet. And then ??? put it ??? in the kitchen and ??? in the iron, you see and, ah [hand (?)] iron, [most hand irons (?)] ??? you know and bake your meat. Bake it. After skin it. After [fry it (?)]. That’s the way your ???
Archibald A. Hill: Ever make soap?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No. I never made no soap in my life, but my sister, my sister used to make soap. I never made none.
Archibald A. Hill: How did she do that?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Get your iron, what you call it ??? ?
Archibald A. Hill: [Did you do that out in the yard (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: [Yes, out in the yard (?)] or in the kitchen [usually (?)].
Archibald A. Hill: Make your own vinegar in those days?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: I never made no vinegar ??? People in the ??? they made soap. I never made. My sister made soap.� I never made soap.
Archibald A. Hill: What did you [make (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Well, I do other things [with her (?)]. Other things.
Archibald A. Hill: What were you doing?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Archibald A. Hill: What were you doing?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: What do I do? Working like people do now these days. Some doing one thing, some do another. See. ??? Some working in the fields and some a,a,at the kitchen working. And some working in the fields. That’s the way it was. That you was doing one day and, and, and, and the other doing one thing and, you do another. All didn’t work together.
Archibald A. Hill: You work in the field or in the house?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. I used to work in the field. Used to work in the field.
Archibald A. Hill: What kind of ??? were they growing? [What did they have you do (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Corn.
Archibald A. Hill: Corn?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Corn. Worked in the garden. Hoed. Worked with the stuff hoe there. Worked with the stuff in the garden. That’s what they used to do. Worked with the stuff in the garden. In the field. Stuff in the field working. Corn up in the field. I know in times back all the corn [was worked (?)] in the hogs ??? . Wheat fields ??? people ??? working ??? the hogs.
Archibald A. Hill: They didn’t have machinery?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Archibald A. Hill: They didn’t have machinery?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. They had machinery. Cultivators, cultivators and [terrible (?)] things like that. ??? still you would.
Archibald A. Hill: Grow tobacco?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No. He didn’t grow tobacco too. I know people who did grow tobacco.
Archibald A. Hill: What did he do with the corn?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? there wouldn’t be none. He would use the corn. Live off it. Corn and wheat. Live off it. How you going to live? You living just like you live now. Off corn and wheat.
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yeah.
Archibald A. Hill: Did you grind it here on the place?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. Grind it here. Had these mills. These mills. Mills grind it here.
Archibald A. Hill: Did he sell the corn?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Sold it? ??? ah, did he it sold it?
Archibald A. Hill: Yeah.
[Guy S. Lowman (?)]: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No, sir. No, sir. He didn’t sold the corn. He plant the corn. He had ??? that way he plant the corn. He had the corn like this. See. [For the crop (?)]. ??? cultivate it. Had that corn, corn like this. A hill here and a hill here. That’s the way you had your corn.
Archibald A. Hill: Did you grow beans between the rows?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Archibald A. Hill: Grow [anything (?)] between the rows?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. [Oh, Lord (?)]! Plant peas down in the corn. Grow peas between the corn. Between the ???
Archibald A. Hill: Grow any kind of melon?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Archibald A. Hill: Grow any kind of melon?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh? Yes. Grew melons too.
Archibald A. Hill: She says she has ??? Well, and, and you say you haven’t been feeling very well since I was last here.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: No. I–
Archibald A. Hill: What seems to be the trouble?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: I don’t know what the trouble is. ??? I have sometimes. Pain inside. [I don’t know what to do about it (?)]. ??? I can’t do it. [I ain’t got nobody to take care of me (?)]. I can’t get till somebody ??? I got to ??? [car and nothing (?)] and all like that.
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? you see ??? the Lord ???
Archibald A. Hill: [Do you have a doctor check you (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh.
Archibald A. Hill: [Did you have a doctor check you (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. I got a doctor to see.
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. ???
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: It’s all kinds now. ??? up above. ??? Lord.
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: What do you mean by that, that’s it’s “up above?”
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: I mean it’s the Lord up above–
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: Of course.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: The Lord, [he’s the man. He’s the man has to ??? (?)]–
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: But now what kind of message do you think the younger people need most; what would you say to them if you were advising young people today?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: What do they need? Young people need?
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: Yes. What would you say to them?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? try to pray. Try to live as [the Lord lived (?)]. Live close to the Lord, [he’s the man (?)]. ??? what to do. The Lord is all and all you know. The Lord is all and all.
Archibald A. Hill: [Compare to what now and what you seen in your life (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Some [areas (?)], you know, so much change in some areas. Like there is–
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: Yes.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Some is ??? you know. All don’t stand one thing. Some is ??? and some ain’t.
Archibald A. Hill: You like your pastor over there?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Archibald A. Hill: You like your pastor over there?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes, sir. I like all them [to tell the truth (?)]. All them [tell the truth (?)] from up above. That learned to know something about up above, of course that’s ??? over. To know something about the man up there. This generation born to [doom (?)]. And ??? Lord, Jesus Christ. I know when I was [getting (?)] born ??? . You can feel it. Feel it in the generation born since. ??? If you want to know where to ??? you must go. See.
Archibald A. Hill: Did the young people like church as much as they used to?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? righteous. But they didn’t like the foundation. ??? time. Don’t like the foundation. Some, just like that in the world now. Some like it and some don’t. Some like the way and some don’t like the way. But the way is the way. That is the truth. The way is the way. You certainly know when your [new (?)] generation grown up, do anything the Lord Jesus Christ ??? . If he’s with you. When [he] take [you over (?)] you certainly know. ??? don’t leave his work for the devil to finish. When God ??? you know God ??? you.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? goes to church now ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Yes. [I (?)] goes to church.
Archibald A. Hill: How many ??? do you have on [there (?)]?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? church ??? tell you ??? about that.
Archibald A. Hill: Mrs. Becky, can you tell us something about when you were a little girl?
[Guy S. Lowman: Tell us what it was like when you were a little girl (?)] ??? ?
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: I think ??? little girl.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: I think ???
[indistinct conversation]
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson:. ??? Don’t make bread like they made bread in the old days, you know, young days ??? bread ever since the word for bread got to make bread, ??? mix it up with a spoon, ah, with your hand.??? Flour, flour bread with your hand. And, and, and, spoon with, with, with, with your corn bread up w, with a spoon. [long spoon (?)].
Archibald A. Hill: How’d you bake it? ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? or other in a oven. We bake loaf bread in, in a oven, you know. Big oven. Round oven. ??? .� Bake loaf bread in big oven.
Archibald A. Hill: A lot, a lot of work that way.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Huhh?
Archibald A. Hill: Must have been a lot of work that way. [overlapping conversation]
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? mix it up and bake it, have, have fire hearths [you see (?)]. Fire hearths. Didn’t have stoves. ??? . Did, didn’t have stoves.
Archibald A. Hill: ??? [Didn’t have stoves (?)] ??? .
[overlapping conversation]
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? . Fire hearth. Fire hearth. Put your shoes on, on [right (?)], put the coals [under (?)] ??? . Throw the coals under it. ??? a [sp– (?)] on the [oven (?)] or something like that. Or your pots hang you put out. Pot rack. And a pot rack to hang your pot out, in fire hearth–
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: And then, then pot hooks, pot hooks, pot hooks [to take out the different pots (?)], or put it on–
Archibald A. Hill: ???
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Hooks you know. Hooks you know ??? all hooks and then, you see; the, the hook, you know. The pot hooks, you know. The whole thing, and, and their, and the, the, the, the, the pots had [ears (?)] to it you see. ??? . And, and hook them pots hooks to the [ears (?)] take them pots off, or put it on, hang it on. In times past.
Archibald A. Hill: How did you roast meat in a place like that?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: Roast meat? Well they had big ovens. Had these hand irons. These, ah, six foot irons, you know. And had the oven, and, and put, had prongs, ??? your hand irons, almost like hand irons, but no hand irons, it’s all the same, with prong in them, and put your irons in there, and then cook your meat and hang your meat, and put your meat in that, in the, the iron in the hand iron and [slice (?)] and put your meat into, you know ??? into the fire and the fire cook it. Fire bake it ??? and sit underneath ??? catch the, the gravy and things. Big oven. Sit underneath. ??? catch it and, and turn ??? in prongs, like hand-irons. You turn them, turn them hand irons and, and prongs and things and bake them meat. Bake your meat and have the, the them irons hanging [before (?)] the fire. Over, over that oven. And, then that’s the, the way they used to cook your meat. Your, your oven sitting down on the earth in the fire hearth. ??? fire hearth ??? and then that’s the way you turn your, your, your, your hand-iron and, and bake your meat, turn your meat. And ??? the browner the better.
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: What color was it?
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: The meat?
Unidentified Woman Interviewer: Yes.
Susanna Rebecca Wright Thompson: ??? , brown. Toast brown, you see. And the oven sitting underneath it. Oven sitting underneath and you turn that, turn hand-iron. They like hard-irons, but they want ??? like them. You could turn them hand-iron and [prongs (?)] and bake your meat to suit yourselves. ??? your meat or turkey, whatever it is. Turkey or ham meat. That the way they used to do it ??? . Way back in [our (?)] slave time.
Archibald A. Hill: Well, who had– [recording abruptly ends]