The first map of the New World by Americo Vespucio
for whom the Americas are named
1. The haughty person
Peter Lee Knauss was born here 1546
Battle of the Teutoburg forest 9AD
Old World German map
2. The Journey to America
Sea travel with the Atlantic Ocean currents
Johann Ludwig’s place of birth 1685
Thirty years war 1618 – 1648
Sabastin Heinrich Knauss was born here 1714
The location of Palatinate homeland
The New World
Early map of America
William Penn’s Pennsylvania
1600’s Rhine river map
old Battle of Whitemarsh map 1777
Susquehanna seller map
3. The New World generations
birthplace of Daniel Knauss 1726
The French and Indian war 1745 – 1763
Abraham Knauss was born here 1754
early map of Pennsylvania 1756
Hanover Township, Northampton
Lewis Ludwig Knauss place of birth 1784
Pennsylvania became the 2nd state and1st commonwealth to join the Union in 1787
Edward Knauss was born here 1813
land ownership map
Word count: 142