High School Marketing Plan 2018
Montcalm county is the birthplace of the author and memories of home has been a driving force in the creation of Rock, a musical experience. High school days were the inspiration. Four high schools in Montcalm county, Belding, Central Montcalm, Greenville and Lakeview have been rivals for years. This project nurtures competition AND, for the first time will unite all four schools into a common goal.
One of my other projects is writing movie reviews for DJ Perry, CEO Collective Development Inc, Lansing MI. You can read his review of the script and the music at my site www.ronnielee.rocks . During his time here in the studio helping with this project he assured me that if I ever put together the players he wanted to shoot it.
Here is how it should be done to get the largest pool of talent from all four schools, and the audience support from 4 times larger viewing family members. See High School Marketing Plan 2018 chart.
First, upper right we have the script and the film company.
Second, (this is where the fun comes in) we tell all our 4 Montcalm schools that a film company is shooting a movie and holding separate auditions at each of these 4 schools. A talent show will be held and filmed for judging, and the winner will be announced over the radio on 106.3 Greenville.
The winner is…. now can you imagine the excitement when each student knows this will be announced LIVE on the radio this coming Monday morning (which needs to be on the school’s intercom). And this is what they hear from the film company CEO himself…. “It was not hard to make our decision and it took no time at all to decide the winning school out of all 4 talent contests”….long pause….ahh….another pause…(build it up a little)…“A unanimous decision was made that there is so much talent in Montcalm county that ALL 4 SCHOOLS ARE THE WINNER!!”
This is how you do it. Each school will get a part of the script that they must keep secret from the other schools. No one will know how each schools part fits until the first performance at the dress rehearsal which is closed to the public, but free admission to all family members of the cast.
Third, the 4 different school scripts need to be written under the direction of the author and director. The Flat River Players are needed to be the backbone of the acting with our school talent woven in to the fabric of the performance. Written in the script are good parts for the local dance class, that could be great parts with the direction of a choreographer.
Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids is large enough for this theater in the round production. It would be nice if some teacher would present these ideas to Betsy DeVos our United Stated Secretary of Education, she might find the front door key for us.
Forth, Rock, a musical experience is performed on Thursday as a dress rehearsal with free admission to family members. More family members that might not have come will have no excuse not to come because of the free admission. Video from the talent shows will be shown to the audience on this night as a special attraction. Friday and Saturday night are open to the public for the price of admission.
Finally, the buck stops here…. The hours of film from all four talent shows and three night’s performances needs to be edited and processed and put onto CDs. Then each school can take commercial advantage of selling the CDs of their performance. The production cost at this time is unknown but can be worked out between all concerned parties.
This is an un-tested idea with the intent to be creative without being too un-realistic.
Thank you so much for your time looking at my work.
Ronnie Lee