The battle of Gettysburg
- The Gettysburg campaign.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
- The battle of Gettysburg.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
- Diary notations.
Diary and commentaries from the History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania
- Sutler tent.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
- The battle of Gettysburg first day.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia,_first_day
- The battle of Gettysburg second day.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia,_second_day
- The battle of Gettysburg third day.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia,_Third_Day_cavalry_battles
- David Knauss during battle.
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
Artwork and graphics
- The battle of Gettysburg.
- Life in a tent is either too hot or too cold.
- The Sutler’s tent.
- Gettysburg first day of the battle July 1, 1863.
- On picket duty.
- Camp commissary.
- Feeding the troops.
- General Lee invades Maryland – Confederates crossing the Potomac.
- Confederate artillery.
- The mud march.
- Citizens fleeing.
- The ladies of the town.
- She was very brave, and she gave us great cheer.
- Big red barn of the Almshouse.
- Confederate artillery.
- Battle in the wheat field.
- Rebel sharpshooters.
- The skirmish line.
- Confederate soldiers killed near the wheat field at Gettysburg.
- A shot in the woods.
- The kill.
- A familiar tintype picture.
Photoshop creation
- Rock Creek.
- Union soldiers laying down under fire.
- Confederate soldiers under heavy fire.
- Gettysburg second day of battle July 2, 1863.
- Death all around.
- Rebel flag bearer.
- Rebels behind a split rail fence.
- The dead on the field.
- Where they stood.
- The wounded all around.
- Barlow’s Knoll.
- The barn at the Almshouse.
- Rally boys.
- Burial of the dead.
- Path of the 153rd as they retreated through town towards Cemetery Hill.
- Hand to hand.
- Fighting for the colors.
- The 153rd Pennsylvania Volunteers on Cemetery Hill.
- Confederate charge up Cemetery Hill.
- Confederate soldiers stripping fallen Union troops of clothing.
- The Louisiana Tigers.
- The stone fence.
- Carrying the wounded from the field of battle .
- Civil War ambulances.
- Pickett’s charge – third day of the battle July 3, 1863.
- Makeshift hospital.
- Rebel soldiers taking cover.
- The wounded.
- Signal corpsman.
- Union guns.
- Field hospital.