The diary and memories of a Civil War soldier – part 2
- Timeline Native American 1860 – 1864.
Legends of America
- David Knauss during the Civil War.
Diary and commentaries from the History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
- Battle of Kelly’s Ford.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- Camp life during the Civil War.
Diary and commentaries from the History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania
- Diary notations.
Diary and commentaries from the History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania
- David Knauss deployment in the 153rd Pennsylvania Volunteers.
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
- The battle of Chancellorsville.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
- Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- Joseph Hooker.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- Battle of Salem Church.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- Spotsylvania Campaign.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- The death ofThomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- Battle of Hanover.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- Confederate money.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
- Sutler tent.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
- Libby prison Richmond, Virginia.
Wikipedia the free Encyclopedia
History of the 153rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers PDF
Artwork and graphics
- Fife and drum band.
- Kelly’s Ford battle plan map.
- Building Rappahannock bridge.
- Chest high water river crossing.
- A plank road.
- Camp life.
- The skirmish line of battle.
- Cutting down the trees to make a barricade.
- Advancing across open ground.
- Cavalry at the Rappahannock.
- The Rebel Yell.
- Stacked guns.
- Couch’s Corps forming line of battle in the fields at Chancellorsville.
- Come along with me boys.
- Jackson and his disciples.
- Rifle pits.
- Save yourself boy.
- Joseph Hooker and the Battle of Chancellorsville.
- The mud march nor’easter.
- 153rd camp at Brooks station.
- The Salem church.
- Battle of Salem Church 1863.
- Recovering the wounded in the dark.
- Bravely battling for all they hold dear at home.
- New York Herald.
- Abatis is a field fortification.
- The McCool House.
- Spotsylvania Campaign.
- The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse.
- Confederate artillery in action.
- Water from an angel.
- Spotsylvania courthouse and battle map.
- General Jackson’s “Chancellorsville” portrait.
- Stonewall Jackson’s last map .
- Stonewall Jackson is shot by his own men.
- Jackson is dropped being carried from the field.
- The plantation office building where Stonewall Jackson died in Guinea Station, Virginia.
- Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
- Battle of Hanover.
- Prisoners being issued rations and trading for something more palatable.
- Confederate 20-dollar bill.
- Federal “greenback” 5-dollar bill.
- A Sutler tent.
- A Union gunboat.
- Libby prison Richmond, Virginia – escape map.
- Soldiers in transport.