At this time in history 1658 – 1690
- At this time in History Timeline 1658 – 1690
Artwork and graphics
- Cromwell dies; son Richard resigns and Puritan government collapses.
- English Parliament calls for the restoration of the monarchy; invites Charles II to return from France.
- Charles II is crowned King of England.
- Louis XIV begins personal rule as absolute monarch; starts to build Versailles.
- British take New Amsterdam from the Dutch.
- English limit “Nonconformity” with reestablished Anglican Church.
- Isaac Newton’s experiments with gravity.
- Great Plague in London kills 75,000.
- Great Fire of London.
- Molière’s Misanthrope.
- Milton’s Paradise Lost, widely considered the greatest epic poem in English.
- Pennsylvania founded by William Penn.
- War of European powers against the Turks (to 1699).
- Vienna withstands three-month Turkish siege; high point of Turkish advance in Europe.
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s calculus published.
- James II succeeds Charles II in England, calls for freedom of conscience (1687).
- Protestants fear restoration of Catholicism and demand “Glorious Revolution.”
- In France, Edict of Nantes of 1598, granting freedom of worship to Huguenots, is revoked by Louis XIV; thousands of Protestants flee.
- Peter the Great becomes Czar of Russia—attempts to westernize nation and build Russia as a military power.
- Defeats Charles XII of Sweden at Poltava (1709).
- Beginning of the French and Indian Wars (to 1763), campaigns in America linked to a series of wars between France and England for domination of Europe.
- William III of England defeats former king James II and Irish rebels at Battle of the Boyne in Ireland.
- John Locke’s Human Understanding.