These links will help introduce you to, For Generations to come, children’s books and audiobooks

1… Hello there,  – explains the text.

2…For Generations to come – 10-points of interest – points out key points of interest in the text.

3…Table of contents special files listing – there are points of interest in history that either happened at that time or relate to the story.  They are represented by a special hot button logo that is unique to their subject matter.  By clicking on these logos, you go directly to some point in time, or moment in history that is directly interrelated to the story itself.

4…For Generations to come – digital picture book  – the table of contents

5…For Generations to come – Audiobook table of contents  – movie soundtrack recordings



Most important of all is the mission statement of this entire project:

1…To encourage young people to seek out the Lord Jesus.

2…Then have a personal relationship with Him.

3…Tell a good story about history to get readers interested in their own history,

and then all history will become their history.


May the Lord bless you for your time looking at and listening to my work.

Ronnie Lee


*Attention Publishers and Agents see the BIG PICTURE at this link *

FGC – Classroom Business Card

For Generations to Come – product page