Here is what you will find on this site
About tab has a copy of my resume.
Books tab has a pull down menu :
>What Not To Do In The Music Business is information that I experienced over 50 years of being a live entertainer that I share with you.
>What Not To Do In The Music Business in Spanish. Thanks to A Sister In Christ from Mexico City who read the book and translated it into Spanish for us.
>Ronnie Lee’s Song Book is a collection of 116 songs.
>The 24 hour Song Book. On Jan. 20, 1981, Iran released 52 Americans who had been held hostage for 444 days, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan. The hostages were placed on a plane in Tehran as Reagan delivered his inaugural address .Jan 20, 2012. I tried to write a song for each of the 52 in 24 hours but I ran out of time. So I picked the best 24 and called it the 24 Hour Song Book. It was and inspiration from their ordeal and finally freedom. The songs are listed in the order they were written.
Videos tab has a pull down menu of live performances with the Center Stage Band Belding,MI.
Events tab is a calendar of live performances with the Center Stage Band, Belding MI
Gallery tab has a pull down menu of pictures include Band promo pics, band posters, in the recording studio shots, and live performance pics.
Audio tab has pull down menu of all original material. You can listen to the entire collection for free. To purchase a copy of the music go to contacts and leave a message.
>In The Studio is Ronnie Lee’s most currant work in the Rocky Lake Recording Studio
>Bang The Drum Loud is a jazz CD made for movie sound tracks.
>Mane St Live CD was recorded LIVE at the Crazy Horse Saloon Cedar Rock, MI.
>“Rock A Musical Experience” is a mixture of studio recordings and artists concept from the musical of the same name. The script is being updated and will be posted as soon as available.
>Artists concept has a collection of raw original recordings of how the song should go before going into the recording studio.
Contact form to send me an email.
I’m updating this information often so check back if something is missing or not working yet. Thanks for your time visiting
Ronnie Lee